Hospital Engineering has successfully completed more than 100 projects, including teaching hospitals, clinics, health centers, accident and medical emergency centers.
Over the past 50 years, Hospital Engineering has successfully completed more than 100 projects, including teaching hospitals, polyclinics, health centers, rehabilitation centers, emergency centers, medical spas, mobile units, and even a medical boat and a rescue aircraft.
Request our image brochure with more details on selected reference projects:
Provision of Medical Equipment for Primary Health Care Clinics, European Commission/PHARE Programme.
Provision of Surgical Instrument Sets, Soutien au Programme Sectoriel de Santé, Ministry of Health – KfW International.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Fuyang Women and Children Hospital, Anhui Province, CITC – KfW.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Luliang Regional Piople’s Hospital, Shanxi Province, CITC – KfW.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Mingguang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Anhui Province, CITC – KfW.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Sheyang People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, CITC – KfW.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Songming People’s Hospital, Yunan Province, CITC – KfW.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical Facilities: Provision, Installation and Maintenance of various Medical Equipments, Health Programme and HIV Prevention I, Wangjiang People’s Hospital, Anhui Province, CITC – KfW.
Delivery of completely equipped Transport and Ambulance Cars, Military Armament Authorities. Provision and Installation of complete Medical, Dental and Laboratory Facilities and a Dialysis Centre, Nasr City Specialized Polyclinic.
International 1,000 beds Military Medical Centre: Provision and Installation of Non-Medical Furnishing and the Design and Furnishing of annexed Hotel Facilities.
40 beds Health Care Centre: Provision of Medical Equipment.
Planning, Design, Provision, Installation and Maintenance of Medical and Para-Medical Equipment for several luxury Yachts and Vessels.
Design and Monitoring Consultancy Service for the Medical Centre in Sachkhere Georgia ATU.
COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign, Training and Workshop Programme on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government and African German Health Association e.V.
Strengthening together the Physical and Digital Infrastructure of the Healthcare Sector” in collaboration with the Ghanaian Governmental bodies on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government and African German Health Association e.V.
Covid-19 Project: Supply of Ventilators incl. installation and User Trainings on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government and African German Health Association e.V.
Supply of diverse Medical Equipment incl. installation and trainings for 6 selected Hospitals on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government and African German Health Association e.V.
Korle Bu Teaching Hospital with 1700 beds, Ministry of Health, development of the Master Plan for an overall rehabilitation and necessary extensions of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. Several Turn-Key Rehabilitation Projects, among others Accident and Medical Emergency Department Phase II,
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Techno-Medical Support Services, CSSD, Dental Department, Surgical Block with 8 Theatres, Maternity Block.
37 Military Hospital, Ghana Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence: Turnkey Project, Major rehabilitation, reconstruction and upgrading of Mortuary, CSSD, Operating Theatre Complex, X-Ray Department, Oxygen Plant, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), General Wards.
National Cardio-Thoracic Centre.
Turnkey Laboratory Project inkl. Consulting, planning, provision of medical analyzing unit, and after sale services, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Akosombo Floating Boat Hospital, Volta River Authority.
Akosombo Hospital with 200 beds, Volta River Authority.
General Hospital Cape Coast: Medical Oxygen Production and Distribution Plant, Ministry of Health.
Regional Hospital Ho: Diagnostic Imaging Department, Ministry of Health.
Ghana German Hospital Partnership Programme: Supply of Ventilators incl. Installation and User Trainings to Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital on behalf of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health: Turnkey Project of Accident and Medical Emergency Centre (A&E Centre) and Technical Allied Service, Planning, construction, supply and installation of medical and related technical equipment: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, medical oxygen Plant, Physiotherapy department, X-Ray department, Gynaecology department, complete rehabilitation of the surgical department.
Dental School, Jordan University Hopital: Provision and Installation of 84 Dental Units, including Dental Technical Laboratory.
Provision of Emergency Consumables: 80 million Male Latex Rubber Condoms, Kenya Decentralisation HIV/AIDS & Reproductive Health, Ministry of Health-GIZ
Provision and installation of Medical Equipment and Instruments, Miscellaneous essential Expendables, Sterilization, and general Medical Equipment, Kenya Decentralisation HIV/AIDS & Reproductive Health, Ministry of Health-GIZ
Kenyatta National Hospital (1,850 beds Teaching Hospital) and other Medical Institutions: Provision and Installation of various Medical Equipment.
2nd of March Hospital, Ministry of Health: Provision, Installation, and three years Maintenance of comprehensive Medical Equipment.
Several District Hospitals: Provision and installation of Medical Equipment, NMEMCO.
Several District Hospitals: Provision and installation of Medical Equipments.
Ministry of Health: Provision and Installation of X-Ray Systems.
E.E. Medimoc: Provision of Medical Material and Equipment, Swiss Import Support Programme.
Rural Hospital: Provision and Installation of Laboratory Equipment.
Rural Hospital: Provision and Installation of Laboratory Equipment.
Rural Hospital: Provision and Installation of Laboratory Equipment.
Ministry of Health: Katsina Specialist Hospital with 200 beds, Turn-Key Project, covering Planning, Designing, Construction, Provision and Installation of all Medical and related Technical Equipment.
Massey Hospital, Ministry of Health: Medical- and Non-medical equipment planning and consulting services.
Blueprint Architectural Design for Ministry of Health: 150 bed General Hospital and Doctors Quarters
Blueprint Detailed Architectural Design for Ministry of Health: Children Hospital
Dental Treatment Equipment and Dental Laboratories
Dental Treatment Equipment and Dental Laboratories
Several Rural Hospitals: Turn-Key Project, covering Planning, Designing, Construction, Provision and Installation of all Medical and related Technical Equipment
University Clinic Dental School
University Clinic: Central Sterilisation Supplies Department (CSSD)
Dental Centre Daura: Provision and Installation of complete Dental and related Medical and Technical Equipment.
Dental Centre Funta: Provision and Installation of complete Dental and related Medical and Technical Equipment.
Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Project, Ministry of Health – Gitec/KfW: Nationwide supply of TBA and Midwifery Kits.
Stomatology Centre of Disabled Children, central scientific and research institute of stomatology: Supply and installation of medical equipment comprising a biomodelling and research laboratory and laser stereolithography system for correction of children’s facial skeleton deformities.
200 beds Hospital, Diagnostic Centre and Polyclinic: Turn-Key Project, including Planning, Provision and Installation of all Medical and related Technical Equipment.
1,000 beds Norilsk Hospital: Provision and Installation of Medical and related Technical Equipment.
Nursing School: Provision and Installation of all Medical and Technical Equipment, including Teaching Aids and essential range of Laboratory Reagents., Ministry of Health-World Bank Programme.
Nursing School: Provision and Installation of all Medical and Technical Equipment, including Teaching Aids and essential range of Laboratory Reagents, Ministry of Health-World Bank Programme.
350 beds King Faisal Hospital: Provision, Installation and longer-term Maintenance of all Medical and related Technical Equipment, including Hotel Facilities.
Extensive Analysis of the Health Sector of Senegal and Workshops with private and public entities on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government
2,5 years programme to strengthen the nationwide physical and digital healthcare infrastructure in Senegal on behalf of the African German Health Association e.V. and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] / German Government
Provision of Mortuary Cooling Units, Ministry of Health.
Provision of 70 mobile Laboratory Units mounted on Toyota 4×4 Vehicles.
Turn-Key Project of 53 beds Hospital.
Muhimbili 1,800 beds National Hospital: Provision and Installation of high-Pressure Steam Sterilizer.
200 beds St. Carlos Krungsiam Hospital, St. Carlos Hopsital Groupe: Planning, Provision and Installation of all Medical and related Technical Equipment, including Hotel and Conference Facilities.
250 beds Udomsakdi Hospital: Consultancy Service for planning the entire medical facility.
Sexually Transmitted Infections Project (STIP), Ministry of Health – IDA: Supply of 30 million Condoms
First Health Project covering 8 District Hospitals, World Bank Project: Countrywide Distribution and Installation of Medical Equipment and introduction of Surgical Instrument Sets Systems.
Second Health Project , Mulago Hospital Rehabilitation with 2,400 beds, Ministry of Health – ADB: comprehensive Rehabilitation, including Provision and Installation of Medical, Surgical, Laboratory, Dental and X-Ray Equipment.
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